As a passionate recycler, my upbringing in central KY provided me with a unique perspective on the value of reusing everything until it's fully exhausted. Over the years, I've repurposed a wide range of items, from industrial machinery and farming implements to craftsman tools and even barns.
The idea for repurposing grain bins came about when a friend asked me to build something they had seen on Pinterest. From there, I became inspired by the endless creative possibilities that this clever outlet for used and sometimes abandoned bins provided. It's truly gratifying to give new life to these old soldiers, which now stand in fields at attention.
People often ask me if it's hard work getting those bins down, and my answer is a resounding yes! But it's worth the effort, and the gratification that comes from transforming them into something new is incredibly rewarding. After having built 92 bins, I've found that this unique form of recycling has become a passion of mine, and I look forward to continuing to explore new and creative ways to give old items new life.
-Zachary King